The Beau Diddley Diaries

Did somebody say TREAT?!

Finished first full cycle

Well, Beau has made it through his first full cycle of the CHOP chemo treatment. He seems to be holding up quite well. We remain enormously relieved that he so quickly responded to the treatment and that his lymphoma is in remission, of course. He' still having some residual bladder irritation from the cytoxan, but that's slowly improving.

Next week is his first scheduled "rest" week--no chemo. We'll be taking him and Maggie down to the North Carolina Outer Banks (here's a photo of us the last time we were there) for a bit of R&R, and to help celebrate Ken's parents' 50th wedding anniversary. It'll be nice to get away for a couple days. We're really hoping for clear skies so we can go for walks/jogs along the beach.

Lymphoma is a horrible disease, of course. It has certainly highlighted the importance, however, of enjoying and appreciating every day we get. From the moment we first met Beau, he has been nothing but pure affection incarnate. A pure joy to spend time with. And now, every time he wags his tail, every time he climbs up on my lap/belly and looks me in the eye, every time he curls up with us on the bed, every time he tells me that YES he wants his dinner, and so forth--every time we savor and appreciate.

I hope that everyone reading this blog will be fortunate enough to share the type of bond that we share with our Beau Beau and Maggie.

