The Beau Diddley Diaries

Did somebody say TREAT?!

Happy birthday Beau!

Greetings all. Beau had a good week this week. His energy and appetite remain legendary. He’s starting the 2nd cycle of the MOPP chemo protocol later this week.

But today, there’s no talk of chemo in the house. Today is Beau’s 9th birthday. He got a nice birthday note from his brother, Hoagie -- an AKC Champion! Beau and Hoagie were the two surviving puppies from Red Bay’s “H” litter.

We’re ecstatic to celebrate Beau’s 9th with him today. He’ll be getting plenty (!) of TLC, treats, and belly rubs today. It’s his 2nd birthday since being diagnosed with lymphoma, after all. Untreated, canine lymphoma would never let a basset see two birthdays.

Happy birthday Beau Beau and “Heaugie”!

