The Beau Diddley Diaries

Did somebody say TREAT?!

You want me to WHAT?

Greetings all. Rest week went flawlessly. Beau and Maggie thoroughly enjoyed their romping around at “Camp Yorkie” and then their weekend in NJ. Well, to be honest, Beau didn’t much enjoy the driving, but he was a trouper about it.

This past Monday began his fourth and final 4-week cycle in the CHOP program. All systems go with the vincristine, with no bad side effects noticed. Whew!

I’m pretty sure that South Paws is going to need to re-shingle their roof, though, as Beau probably knocked the shingles a bit loose when I arrived to pick him up. Although it’s more than obvious he doesn’t like his clinic visits, he’s always so very happy to go home. His Ken is there (usually) and he gets a treat.

And then, the nurse handed me a prescription for next week. It was tough to hear her instructions over Beau’s vocalization, but I’m quite sure I heard “these are for you to administer to Beau for his treatment next week”. WHAT?!

I called back from home when I could actually speak with them and, sure enough, they want me to administer his chemo next week. It’s an oral (pill) format, so “no big deal”. (Words that I don’t think should ever be used to describe
any chemo treatment...)

But, I got the prescription filled and will be administering 23 tablets of chlorambucil to him on Monday. Gulp. Wish us both luck!

