The Beau Diddley Diaries

Did somebody say TREAT?!

Another relapse

Hi all,

Yesterday was Beau’s week 4 (of third cycle) in his chemo treatment. His white cell count was fine and the chemo was administered.

However, the doctor noticed he had some swollen lymph nodes, and a quick aspiration of one confirmed it was the beginning of another lymphoma relapse.

My heart sank when she told me the news, as I’m sure you can all appreciate.

After a phone consultation, they ended up using a different chemo medication than any he’d previously had. Since the cancer cells were no longer responding to the previous chemo, this is the best course of action at this time.

We won’t know until he goes back in for an exam next week if the lymphoma responds against the new medication, so please keep sending Beau your best wishes, prayers, and aloha. He’ll have a restful week here in front of the fireplace, and with gobs and gobs of TLC from his food slaves.

(Maggie, on the other hand, appears to be doing just fine re her bladder issues.)

